Saturday, July 23, 2011

Christians do you ever feel ashamed by the actions of?

your brethren on this site? If I saw a Heathen acting like some of the Christians on here I would rip their @$$ a new one.

Would it be wrong of me to ask my colleague not to participate?

I'm so confused. Are there 5 people in the group, or is the "good friend" the same person as the "exgirlfriend"/"colleague". Can you qualifty how many people there are? Who is doing work besides you? Are you getting class credit for this project? My advice would depend on whether or not there are 5 people. What do the others think? If there are only two of you and you did all the work, I think you should have a serious discussion about the possibility of you doing this by yourself. Talk it over and see if you can come to an agreement.

Fellow atheists and assorted miscreants; isn't the strangest question of all: "Why do you object"?

If a person is at that point, it just means they read an answer that hit a nerve so they're resorting to personal attacks b/c they don't want to hear any more's a psychological defense humans have...kinda like when someone is quitting a physical addiction of some kind, the body reacts negatively

How do I get my roommate to NOT use my bed?

Long story short, I am going away for a few months. I have been looking for a subletter but have not had much success. A few of my roommate's friends have expressed interest, but have been dragging their feet to actually give me a yes or no answer. I have a feeling that he is just going to let them use my room rent free. I don't accept that. How can I rig my room to make it unliveable to make sure that he is not letting out my room? Our rooms don't have locks and my landlord won't let me install one. Thanks!

Why don't Jews just accept Jesus Christ?

They could've saved themselves a lot of pain and suffering. It's hard for me to have sympathy for them about the Holocaust when they brought it on themselves by being heathens.

Is this a good computer for gaming?

If you want to run better games in better quality I'd update the graphics card. Also memory (if you will be multitasking a lot.) Usually 4GB DDR3 RAM is the basic good for gaming, but 2GB will get you by until computers update and games become more powerful.

When I try to tell the TRUTH about the Holy Galactic Gerbil, some fundamentalist christian heathen deletes it?

All I am trying to do is save YOUR souls and spread the word about one of the great TRUTHS out there. How different am I from a fundie? I have my beliefs and will try to win souls accordingly. (this is the third time I will get deleted for trying to spread the true word of the CREATOR of the fiery Hamster Wheel of Death) Repent! There is no chance without Fluffin!

School made error, help! (easy 10 pts)?

So I am attending central michigan this fall, and they made an error. My friends and I were all roommate on the housing list. Somehow the school put me on a wait list without my knowledge and have a stranger take my bed. Can they fix this? This simply was not my fault! I am seriously freaking out. Advice?

What kinds of rates of decomposition could probes experience in space?

What kinds of rates of decomposition could probes experience in space? A part from things like collisions, what kinds of things are they at risk from which could damage them, ultimately destroy them? What is a realistic life expectancy for say... voyager 1? And what makes them age?

Does my roommate/ex want me to still sleep in his bed?

Ho,, games, games. We the forum speakers, can't help herein...but ask this - are you prepared to do this forever?

Data plans and switching phones?

Your data plan would stay the same, even if you activate the Voyager. If you got the Droid at a discounted price you are under contract for the data plan, so they might not let you pause your data plan, even for a month. You can still activate your Voyager if you want, though you don't have to activate it to get the pictures off, just hook it up to your computer USB.

Suggestions for roommate/moral dilemma?

I'm living with a good friend who is not in the most sound place financially. Basically he is used to a higher lifestyle until he was cut off, and wants to maintain that lifestyle with minimum wage jobs. I had to lend him $350 in order to make deposit in May, and I have asked repeatedly him for me to start paying me back, even if it's $10-20 here or there to no avail. I want to cut off his internet, as punishment until he starts making payments. The question I have is, do you think it's a good idea? Or is there another method you would take? I know he is trying to deal with a piling amount of debt, and I feel bad for him, but I am getting sick and tired of him stonewalling me especially since he is not making any lifestyle changes. Thanks!

Are exploding melons a sign of the upcoming rapture?

The melons have been raptured, which is proof of fruit salad in Heaven. Perhaps it's summer every day, and each day will bring a babby-que. One can hope.

New Verizon Cell Phone? ?

Of course you can! All you need to do is buy the cell phone, call verizon up or go to a verizon store and read them the info they need for them to trasfer you from your old phone to your new one it's a fairly quick process i used to switch my phones all the time you can also do this online.

Long question involving a relationship between minor and adult?

okey so when i was 17 i was in a relationship with someone who was 19 but turned 20. my mother found out and made many threats but eventually got over it and this person continued to live with us as a roommate. this person also used my mothers computer to look up pornography and was called out on it and this person moved out. now im 18 and have been secretly meeting with person because we remained really good friends. i am forbidden by my mother to see this person. she states that she could take legal action and that legal action is under way involving the pornography found on her computer. she gave it to someone to look at and she says its out of her hands. this all took place about 2-3 months ago and nothing has happened. what can she actually do and what could actually be done, like as me getting in trouble? besides me possibly getting grounded since i live under her roof and making her angry, can anything legal happen? she never saw us kissing and has no proof that we had sex or even kissed since we just told her honestly that we were together after she found out by searching my phone and finding a text that said i love you. what could be done? im tired of not being able to hang out publicly with my friend because im afraid of what she could do. please help!

My 1993 plymouth voyager is very very hard to start.?

my 1993 plymouth voyager is very hard to start. After starting you have to be very very gentle with the gas or it stalls. when idling it sounds great. I changed the fuel filter and cleaned the egr valve. What could it be. It runs great when running ifr you accellerate very very slowly. but can take up to 5 minuted to start

Can a bad speed sensor trip the ETAX Relay 98 Plymouth Grand Voyager?

its a 3.0 v6 transmission type Ultradrive 41TE. I know the speed sensor was bad. But the "smart people" at AAMCO wouldn't change it. When i would drive it jumps around. fall to 0 MPH and the tcm throws a code putting it into "limp mode" but if you do it 10 -15 times a day it pops the ETAX- relay And im not going to because its under warranty. And its lifetime so im not messing with it. but is that possible? what could continuously trip it?

Why do British refer to Americans as "heathens" behind the curtain?

If I had to hazard a guess, since part of the American ideal is freedom of religion, just whose religion were they trying to be free from? Well, the one of the country they left from, right?

Is a family watching someone die from lethal injection any differnt than watchng a town square cheer a hanging?

The families of victims of crime should absolutely be permitted to watch. The lethal injection is personal to them. They're aren't random sadistic people cheering in the streets. They are trying to find comfort in the fact that perpetrators of horrific crime lives are ended and, probably, in a lot of cases, cold comfort. I would suggest holding judgement until your mother or sister (and hopefully it will never happen) is kidnapped, raped, tortured and killed.

Do you think I'll be alright on my own?

I'm 23 and moving out in two weeks, I will be living with a roommate in an apartment. I'm excited and know it's time for me to go, but I can't help but feel a little nervous/sad about going. When I was 18 I moved out to go to college and I moved back home within the first month. This time I feel different and feel like I am mature enough to go out on my own plus I'll have my own room/bathroom. I'll be 15 mins from my moms house as well. Will I be ok? Any advice?

Really bad migraine I need help?

Yes. If you have a stiff neck, that's a serious problem. I was thinking it could be allergies at first, because those are some of the same symptoms I have when the pollen is bad but if you have a stiff neck and pain down your spine in addition to the rest you really should go see the doctor, a clinic, or even the hospital.

Does anyone have the time to answer a time sensitive question of... HOW LONG?

Soon,soon,and very soon.He tells us that His people will not be surprised and though not the day or hour we will know when it is near and that time is coming into sight real rapidly.It is very near.Dr Luke tells us that when we see these things happening to look up for our redemption is near.

Roommate advise please?

Ok, so I am a year older than my best friend, and we are thinking about dorming together in college next year after she graduates. So ill be sophomore in college and she will be a freshmen. We have been best friends for a while and are EXTREMELY understanding of each other. We don't fight because of this. (I guess we are like sisters in closeness) Anyway, I am a little hesitant about dorming with her becase she is such a good friend, and i have heard best friends dorming desroys friendships. Neither of us have a dominant personallity or are controlling, but still i am afraid too much time together in a dorm room might be too much. Once she is allowed to live off campus we are going to get a group and get a small house and that will be awesome, but do you think dorming wih your best friend is ALWAYS a bad idea or is there exceptions?

Friday, July 22, 2011

Opinions on these names?

I like Garrett Owen and Samuel Dean. I'm 24 weeks pregnant with 2 boys myself. I choose Isaac Franklin and Gabriel James. Garrett Owen sounds really good I wouldn't have thought of that. Congrads on your babies!

My 1997 plymouth voyager wont go in reverse.?

I was backing up to park my van and all of a sudden it sounded like i hit something. which i didn't because there was nothing behind me. so i continue to park and I try to reverse to fix myself but it wont move. The car will drive forward but wont reverse. i turned the car off and restarted it to see if it would work but it don't. Any idea what may have happened.? Overall the van runs perfectly..Has 96,XXX miles. Just bought it on wednesday.

A cop pulled me over for reading the bible while driving, is he an atheist?

I was only trying to receive the good word of the Lord on my way to work, and this heathen pulled me over because he is clearly unsaved and believes that traffic safety is more important than Jesus. If he were a true christian he would know that Jesus will take the wheel just like in that inspirational song by that good Christian singer. This is blatant discrimination against Christians and is a sign of the end times. I will pray for this heathen cop, as he probably voted for Obama and needs Jesus.

How much longer until the global warming religion declares jihad?

Help. The global warming missionaries are after me!!! That want to have me confess my sins of driving a pickup and having a campfire. The plastic in my keyboard is smokin because of my anger too. All hail Mother Earth! O crap, here they come with carbon credits and trillions of dollars in solar and wind subsidies!!! They want to baptize me in hydrogen power! In verse 12 or the second chapter of Popular Science is says I am a heathen and that I am doomed to a steamy tropical rainforesty planet. What shall I do???

How do I say no to someone who wants to be my roommate?

It's not that I don't like her or I don't want to be her friend, but I don't know her that well. I've never met her and all we've done is message each other on Facebook. I want to decline politely because she seems like a nice girl who I would want to be friends with, but I don't want to room with her when I don't know her.

Christians, have you laughed at Harold Camping's Rapture prediction?

I was laughing at him the whole time. I even picked up one of his signs from the Highway just so I can have a souvenir of his failed prediction

Can all Chrysler weels be used on all Chrysler cars? I.e. Can PT Cruiser wheels be used on a grand voyager?

I have been looking for a cheap set of 16" wheels for my Grand voyager and have come across some PT cruiser wheels. Although they have 5 holes I am a bit worried their spacings will be different. Your help would be greatly appreciated.

What hairstyles would work for a 19-20 year old student teacher?

What could I do with my hair that is easy and looks good? It needs to look professional not sloppy. We do get graded on our look and if we look professional or not. I can learn some new styles if anyone has suggestions. I would like to learn how to do my hair, since this last year my roommate did it (she loves doing it but I still want to learn to do some styles on my own). I have brown with a slight red tint hair that goes about 12 inches below my shoulders. I AM NOT getting it cut so don't suggest that. I look younger than I am a few years ago someone thought I was in 7th grade when I was really in 11th. What can I do without cutting or dying my hair? Quick and easy if possible. If not quick then easy would be my next choice. Thanks!!!

What can we do about destructive neighborhood kids?

My boyfriend is an avid collector of classic cars which he keeps in his driveway. About 3 months ago a new family began renting the house across the street. Their kids are little monsters. They run around in his driveway, jump on top of his classic cars like they're jungle gyms, kick the cars, and spit on them. Two of his cars are already showing body damage from the daily beatings they take. We have asked the kids multiple times to stay out of the drive way and away from the cars but they won't listen. And we have actually witnessed the parents just standing by and watching as their kids throw stuff and climb on the vehicles. We would talk to the parents however the father acts like he doesn't speak english and the mother is almost always away at work. We don't want bad blood but we are absolutely fed up with the kids disrespecting our property. My honey has been incredibly kind to these kids, even giving them video games and they continue to disrespect our wishes. What can we do to get these heathens to stop?!

What makes you choose one conception of God over another?

For me it was the actual realization of God .. which manifest for me as Unconiditonal Love. Unfortunately those are just words without the Transcendent Experience of THAT.

At what time did the voyager 2 fly by Uranus?

I know what year but what TIME did they reach it? Please Help. I desperately need to know for school:)

How do I defend myself against a horrible roommate?

There are SO many examples, but recently, she has been leaving our patio door all the way open when the air conditioning is on. I wrote her a note last night saying "when the AC is on, can you please only leave the patio door cracked?" (i have a cat that likes to go outside) She responded,"also, if we do that, pito (my cat) needs to s**t/pee aswell his box is outside. also, pito s**t on the carpet and knocked over your flowers" I don't expect her to clean up my cats poop but she left water all over the floor! why can't she just be like "SURE" or "OKAY, SORRY" ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh should I write back, or be mature and leave it alone, like everything else...

How can I convince my heathen friends that God "is" real and loves each one of them very very much?

"God is as real as I am." he assured me, and my faith was restored, for I knew Santa would never lie.

Verizon phones on Sprint?

Sorry, but your friend will have to get another Sprint phone. Sprint will not activate non-Sprint phones on their network.

What hairstyles would work for a 19-20 year old student teacher?

What could I do with my hair that is easy and looks good? It needs to look professional not sloppy. We do get graded on our look and if we look professional or not. I can learn some new styles if anyone has suggestions. I would like to learn how to do my hair, since this last year my roommate did it (she loves doing it but I still want to learn to do some styles on my own). I have brown with a slight red tint hair that goes about 12 inches below my shoulders. I AM NOT getting it cut so don't suggest that. I look younger than I am a few years ago someone thought I was in 7th grade when I was really in 11th. What can I do without cutting or dying my hair? Quick and easy if possible. If not quick then easy would be my next choice. Thanks!!!

I'd like to adopt a dog from a rescue or Humane Society?

Terriers are good too. Such as rat terriers or jack russels. Definitely get a dog from the shelter. That will save you a ton of money on the dog. Plus the dogs already have most of their shots and have had a behavioral check. That will save you money on vet costs.

Killing a car without evidence?

well you can drive it til it overheats after removing the antifreeze but he'll know whats up if you feel confident he wont pull apart the motor you can put metal shaving in the oil that will work prob in 2 days you can also drive it on less oil for example take about 2 quarts out and drive this could take awhile maybe about 2 weeks - whenever you can seize up the motor and your prob wont beable to tell cuz it will mix with the antifreeze

Very big issue involving cats and our new landlord, what should I do?

If I were you, I'd confront the landlord and be honest. Mention that they have no place to go and your only option is for you to take them in. Most apartment complexes (actually I think all) charge you extra for having pets in the house. But to be honest I had a cat in my apartment and my landlord or manager of the complex never knew nor found out. I find it the right way to be honest because if the landlord were to find the cat and you never told him/her then that's twice the penalty. Just be honest! :) Good luck!

Move away for community college?

I am a senior and will be starting college in the fall of 2012. It has been my dream to move to San Diego right after highschool and go to SDSU but I can't afford the tuition and don't have the required 2 years of a foreign language to get in. Rather than being stuck at a community college in my hometown, i have been considering moving down to San Diego after graduation, getting an apartment with a roommate or two, and attending the community college down there. The only problem is finding a job down there, getting an apartment, and saving up money to survive off of until i get employed in San Diego. Is it worth going through all this trouble to move down there or should i just attend my local CC? And, in the end, would it be cheaper, as expensive or more expensive to live down there in an apartment vs. going straight to SDSU?

Apartment & roommate info?

im going to collage this fall and moving into a apartment with a roommate. i wanted to know about it, tips about living in a apparent and with a roommate?

How come there is a sunbeam on the Pale Blue Dot-picture?

It isn't actually a 'sunbeam'. Rather, it's a band of dust associated with the Earth's orbit, that gets illuminated by the Sun. Because the camera exposure had to be highly sensitive in order to resolve the Earth at that distance, the dim light reflecting off this dust also shows up on the photograph. Comets also leave behind similar dust trails, which is what causes annual meteor showers.

Spirtieul love around =]?

That's all very sweet, next time form your peace loving sentiments in the form of a question. For the record though, you assuming all Christians are judgmental and hateful is being judgmental.

What phone should I get?

I use verizon. i currently have the voyager and I am getting an upgrade this month. I want a phone with a data plan ($30/ month) The phone I really want is the Thunderbolt, but that's the best, and obviously most expensive phone that verizon has right now. My second choice was the Droid x2, which I could get for $99.My problem is that I could get the Droid x for free, but it's not the newest version. Would the $99 be worth it? Or should I just get the old model?

What are your favorites metal/hard rock albums of 2010?Choose in this list.?

From your list I chose Avenged Sevenfold-Nightmare, Kataklysm-Heaven's Venom, Fear Factory-Mechanize, Serj Tankian-Imperfect Harmonies, Korn-Remember Who You Are, Nevermore The Obsidian Cospiracy, and Ozzy Osbourne-Scream. Great choses you and I listen to the same bands you rock man and why didnt you include Disturbed's album Asylum. :)

My cat has a bad case of diarrhea.?

Hi, me and my roommate just got a kitten ( about 6-7 months and weighs about 5 pounds) from our work friend about 2 weeks ago. The day we got him we noticed that he was infested with fleas, he also had a bad case of diarrhea, we also noticed that he sneezes quite a bit. That day we got rid of the fleas but all of the other symptoms still exist. Since then he's still has diarrhea, his stools are very slimmy, wet and has a foul smell it's also a very light brown color, he has trouble holding it in till he gets to one spot of the litter box. We are unable to take him to the vet because we have been busy with finals and work. A couple of days ago a friend bought him a Liquid De-wormer which we just gave to him and now his diarrhea has worsened to the point where he can barely hold it before he gets to the litter box. Please if anyone has any idea whats wrong with our kitten and help would be greatly appreciated.

Plymouth Voyager, Started Wont Stop Spining With Key or no Key?

As I First Started The Van, The Started Would Spin Non Stop, but wont start the engine, Then I had TO dissconnect the Battery cuz it just woulnt stop, I cant find what it would be causing that problem, any help, its a 97 Voyager with the 3.8 v6 fwd.

Christians, what are these End Times theories?

I'm not familiar with all of those. I do believe the ones to do with the tribulation might have a rapture clause. Pre, mid and post tribulation, meaning the seven years in the Revelation that the seals are being opened, and God pours wrath out upon the earth. Some believe we will be removed before that time (raptured), some believe during, and some believe not at all.

What is the line between a dog's temperament and a dog that hasn't been trained or should be put down?

yes its rampant that people have a disney-like view of what a dog is and far far too little experence to know that such dogs do not exist.

Jehovah's Witnesses & All Faiths 4 health plants ect misused pagan/spiritualistic practice.Cannabis use 4 pain?

I've thought of that deeply myself. I think of Morphine or painkillers. There is nothing wrong even though they due cause a "feeling good" sensation. I would consider pot no different if not smoked. I know it helps people through Chemo, with the problems you mention. Any drug can be abused,even legal ones. Jehovah knows that we suffer severe diseases in these last days. Penicillin, is a perfect example of saving 100 of millions of lives. No where in the scriptures does it say that medicines are wrong. Even back in Jesus day, plants were used for pain.Unfortunately, everything that Jehovah has created, mankind seems to use in a bad way. By law if it is approved as a medicinal purpose. I see it no different that any other medicine...Mark

What is a good temperature to set your air conditioning to when it's really hot out?

If you want to keep it at the temperature setting that your roommate has it, consider getting a fan for your own room. It actually keeps the air circulating better and keeps things cooler. Cool air settles down near the floor, using a room fan circulates it up and around the room, making it cooler and more comfortable. Let her/him roast, you don't have to. You'll be cool as a cucumber. We use a fan at night in our bedroom and in the living room in the daytime. Our AC stays at or around 75 degrees.

Can you still be a Norse Pagan/Heathen without being Reconstructionist?

Just do something like wicca or wicca itself since its actually got many different forms. Wicca attempts to emulate the old religions even though it came from like 1950 AD. Take the Norse Gods and Goddesses and then just work it into a modernized form making a neo-asatru neo-odinism neo-theodism hybrid thing.

Download slower than upload via wifi?

you might be having some spyware or virus issue. Try scanning your hard drive for viruses and spyware.

How much work to replace 1995 Plymouth voyager water pump?

Neither one. The 3.0 requires the removal of the timing belt, and unless they changed design, the removal of the intake manifold. Also, under the intake there is a "water tube" which is prone to rusting out and leaking. Done 4 of them (pre 2001) my best time, 8 hours not in a shop. But I have been a licensed mech. for over 30 years.and have all the tools and air.

Do I owe anything to my roommates?

First of all, I paid first and last month when I moved in. Second, my roommates let some douche bag sleep in my bed when he was drunk and high. He peed in it, then apparently put my birthday cards on the floor and slept on them instead of in his piss. I would say someone owes me for that, right? Anyhow, I had had enough of the crazy parties with girls throwing up and random people I don't know breaking and stealing my stuff, and moved out. (Not much of a partier.) We paid rent at the first of every month and I moved out half way through May, which I paid for at the beginning of the month. They say I still owe utilities and a month of rent, but considering I paid first and last month at the beginning and rent for the month of May on the first, (also considering my mattress) I would say they owe me... am I right?

How do you harvest from the noni bush when the heathens are surrounding it?

K so I just got Virtual VIllagers 5 New Believers and my people are dying because I can't get food because heathens are surrounding it. What do I do?

What to take when stationed overseas?

I just finished basic training a couple of days ago and I'm being stationed in Germany. I'm single and will be in the barracks with roommates. I wasn't really given clear instructions on what I should bring with me so I'm a little at a lost. How much clothing should I bring? Do I need to bring any sort of furniture? I know I'm not bringing my car. If anyone has any experience or just input, I'd greatly appreciate it. Thank you in advanced.

My Aunt referred to me as a heathen because?

I questioned her faith. Yet every point I made about her religion was valid. Her best comeback was that the only thing for certain about the Bible is that there is a god. Was that right since I have conflict with the religion I was brought up in. I.E. A bunch of hypocrites. Not saying that there is no use for religion only people should study a religion objectively like they are learning principles and not putting so much focus on a deity and going around saying "Praise the Lord" all the time.

I am just annoyed with "friend"?

My roommate continues to break up with her girlfriend 6 times this month and twice this week. She sit here and tells me how its over and she means it for real. Its starting to get annoying and played out. I mean like really twice this week. I know some people may say that its none of this is my business, but she is sitting here every time saying ITS REALLY OVER and HOW DONE SHE IS with her. Its starting make her look crazy. I mean I have been in love before, but damn. This is straight up crazy and stupidity. I am tired of giving this girl advice. Its JUST POINTLESS. And why do she sit her and talk to me about it, If she knows she gonna do the same damn thing. Its crazy.

Whirlpool refrigerator makes jugged water smell bad...?

Look at the waterline that goes to the refrigerator. If it has a filter, the filter probably needs changing.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Mothers: what would you do if some other child hit your child?

Not with their hand but with a rock! It just happened. My two year old was playing with his dump truck in the park when another little boy of about three or four came up. They started playin together which was fine. But then he decided to take my sons truck away from him. When my son wouldn't let go the little heathen hit him in the head with a rock and tried to run off. By that point I had gotten there and gathered my son and the truck to go inside. The little boy started yelling at me inspanish. I have no idea what unit he lives in or if his mother speaks english (unlikely) but the whole area is overrun with little naked mexican kids who don't share their toys and steal from others. This isn't the first time one of them has stolen something from my son, they have taken his cars and his bike from him but never has he been injured by on of them. He has a huge goose egg now. I'm so mad. I'm tempted to just never take him to the apartment park again even though the next closest is several blocks away. I'm all for sharing but my son is entitled to play with HIS toys without being harassed, right?

My Roommate Wants to get a Dog?

So, my roommate and I are 2 single guys living in an apartment in the city. My roommate wants to get a dog and I am not sure this is a good idea. My roommate is flat broke all the time; he’s even borrowing rent money from me every month until the middle of the month. I had a serious talk with him about finding more income so he can start paying his share of the rent ON TIME. Now he wants “us” to get a 10-month-old puppy. Personally, I love pets a lot, but I am a very busy young man (working full time and part-time grad student) at this point in my life and I can’t afford the time, responsibility and costs that come with taking care of a dog. A dog would have to be my roommate’s sole responsibility, and I just don’t see that happening since he can hardly pull his own weight even now. How is he going to pay for its food or its vet bills? How will he pay me or the apartment back if the dog tears up my furniture or the apartment carpeting? I predict he's going to be borrowing money from me to pay for these expenses and asking me to help out with the dog when I'm pressed for time already as it is. I hate to have to sound like a bad person and tell him we can’t have a dog. I’m not an animal-hater, in fact, I’d like a dog if I had more time on my hands to take care of one, but I work every day and go to school/meetings at night. I don’t know, am I wrong? Am I a bad person if I flat out tell my roommate that he cannot have a dog?

Is a guy interested if he asks me to sleep over?

I was at my college orientation and was hanging out in a dorm room with 2 guys and another girl.. I mentioned that I didn't know where i was gonna sleep because my roommate was really suspicious and weird and I didn't want to stay with her. One of the guys asked if I wanted to sleep in their dorm room, with a totally straight face. Was he just being a guy and messing around or do you think he's interested? Or just being nice maybe?

Metalheads! Which of these bands do you prefer?

Exodus anthax violater fu*k yeah bonded by blood megadeth venom iron maiden slayer whiplash mercyful fate exumer kreator mayhem satanic warmaster saxon exciter(im a heavy metal maniack) heathen sodom testement death 21,you should of said posessed vs slayer.........................and wait a minute! Why isnt destruction on any of these mathups hmm!

So I walked in on my roommate sniffing the skeet...?

She's a girl. It was in her bedroom, and I haven't even been in their yet. I thought she was praying on her bed, but her nose was right up there! Apparently, she has a boyfriend and they were doing something yesterday while I was out. I don't know if I want to live with such a crazy...I don't even know what to say. What should I do?

Is it true that listening to death metal gives you the ability to see the future and freeze time?

I have been listening to bands like Nothgard, Enfold Darkness, and Heathen Foray and I feel like a demigod.

My roommate stole my belongings while I was incarcerated...can I take out a warrant or go in with my key and g?

While I was incarcerated for 60 days, my boyfriend was in contact with my roommate, who assured him my belongings were safe and taken care of. We went to retrieve my belongings yesterday, which they were stored in bins. When I got home and went through the bins, I found she had gone through everything, taken all my summer clothing, bathing suits, Jones New York suits, every pair of jeans I owned...totalling well over $5000 in clothing. Can I take out a warrant without receipts for the clothes? I still have my key...can I go in and get my things? I am willing to take a police escort if necessary...PLEASE tell me how to get my things back or file suit for the loss.

Christians why arent you answering any of my questions?

Because they are formulaic and what they lack in substance is shoddily replaced by scripture quotation and copy and paste.

Has removing God from our government resulted in the communist takeover of our country?

If we removed all the godless heathens from positions of power maybe America could return to being the best country in the world.

Are planeswalkers permanents?

This is kind of a follow up to my query about planeswalkers & colors. My roommates/mtg buddies are operating under the logic that a planeswalker is treated as a player while on the battlefield, and a permanent when in hand, in the library, or in graveyard. So what's the deal? Is or isn't a planeswalker a permanent whilst in play? And can it be targeted/destroyed as such?

Renting an apartment? ?

I live in Houston TX. I am currently 17 and about to turn 18 on July 26. Can I rent an apartment now or do I have to wait? And I know everyone says you have to have a good credit score, what does that even mean? I mean I have a good job and I'll have a roommate. But how do I get this "credit score"? I don't even own a credit card, is that going to be a problem? Please tell me everything I need to know.

What type of charger does the LG enV, LG Dare and LG Voyager use? Micro USB or mini USB?

they all use micro usb. but that does not mean they are compatible. there are several different shapes of micro usb. probably more than five or around there. I would check with, or, both of which may give you aclose enough picture to zoom in on if thats your concern.

Why do some heathens put mid summer on the june 24 ?

Is it due to. Where they come from like some heathens in france put it on june 24.. while people in italy put it from the 21 to the 24 some even place it on the 25 of june I just put it on all those days. But I want to know why do people do that

How do I explain to my children that science is a massive conspiracy and faith is the only truth?

The other day, my daughter came home and asked me about dinosaurs (because those heathen teachers were teaching our precious children the religion of science), and I had to have a very lengthy discussion explaining there were no dinosaurs, and the fossils are just to test our faith. She still isn't sure. What do I do?

If I were to relocate to New York City, what average cost should I expect?

I know a couple million, but I'm high maintenance so I think a little more. Let's suppose I was looking to drive a Prius, a two-bedroom apartment in Fifth Avenue or Park Avenue, go regularly to the spa, get a membership at Equinox, shopping and indulgences regularly (pampering included), expensive restaurants, and work for a magazine such as Vogue or Seventeen. And go to Parsons. But the apartment is not for when I have kids; it's for college, so I'd probably get a roommate. I'm doing a research project to show my parents I'm responsible so maybe we'll move before then. I'm 14.

Survey: how should I handle my drunk roommate?

She is really drunk off of southern comfort. Its really funny but not sure what to do. Should I just put her to bed?

Things that fall apart vs. Critics?

Make me an offer if you want me to do your homework for you. Go out and buy some Cliff's Notes and copy it word for word ... maybe you'll get a "C" if your teacher is lazy too.

Star Trek Voyager borg baby question.?

They were all returned to their homes and families, except Icheb who stayed on Voyager and joined Starfleet.

What is a good QWERTY phone that i could get?

I was wanting to get a phone and I was wondering which one to get. I was thinking about getting a voyager, but I don't know if that is the right one and if there is a better one. By the way I have Verizon

Star Trek TNG - Overrated?

it got better after the first few seasons. it was probably the best of all the star trek shows. deep space nine was also a favourite of mine.

Did Christ give an example of how you should pray?

1st Thessalonians 5:17-18 " Pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." When Jesus' Disciples asked Him how they should pray? Jesus taught them a prayer that s recorded in Matthew 6:9-13; compare Luke 11:2-4 ( the Lord's Prayer)

Swallowing semen from different partners at the same time?

My college roommate with her "guy friends" had a sex party... after she performed oral to all of them, yes she swallowed, and after 2-3 hours she had horrible stomach/intestinal pains. It was not like wanting to throw up but from a slight body movement her stomach/intestinal would give her this disgusting heavy pain. So I was wondering if this may of been from swallowing the semen from different male partners at the same time? No the guys were physically healthy as far as I know!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Is it an outrage, Arnold cheated on Maria?

I would expect that in some shabby dark alley way, that this might wake up the Kennedy men that one of their own was being exploited like they have done to other peoples sisters, daughters, etc. I don't think two wrongs make a right, but there is always an exception to the rule that makes the rule valid.

Orthodox Christians, Can you explain this verse to me?

You must pray from your heart, and truly mean what you say. You shouldn't just say something with a dry, meaningless feeling, saying it just for the sake of saying it. Also, don't only just say the same thing over and over, you should say specific prayers yes but also add your own prayers as well, it makes it more heartfelt and meaningful.

Is loud music bad for guinea pigs?

My roommate blasts his huge stereo all day, so bad that the house shakes. He had 2 piggys, but one "mysteriously" died. I'm worried that it might be the noise blasting into his poor little ears from only a few feet away. I've been telling him it's probably not good for his guinea but he doesn't believe me. Maybe if I approach him with facts I can stop him before it's too late for the other guinea left.

I have two roommates one is running up pgand e.In my name.?

Ok I have two roommates.One roommate is hardly ever there and never uses hardly any pg&e.Then I have one roommate that is always there and running the electricity 24/7 and has no job.She plays the radio 24/7.leaves lights on all day all night And her kids are on my TV in the living room playing video games all night and movies.Leaving the TV and the Xbox 360 on and the DVD movies playing.Just burning electricity .This has been going on the past 3 weeks.Non stop.The women keeps leaving lights on and the ceiling fans running plus the air conditioning. I felt it was getting out of hand and I told them today I didn't comfortable it being in my name anymore so I had it taken out of my name.Because I felt it was being used carelessly.Am I in the wrong for having it taken out of my name?If it was being used out of control??? With out prior notice??

Swallowing semen from different partners at the same time?

My college roommate with her "guy friends" had a sex party... after she performed oral to all of them, yes she swallowed, and after 2-3 hours she had horrible stomach/intestinal pains. It was not like wanting to throw up but from a slight body movement her stomach/intestinal would give her this disgusting heavy pain. So I was wondering if this may of been from swallowing the semen from different male partners at the same time? No the guys were physically healthy as far as I know!

Questions for creationist?

If creationist believe that atheist or non believers are damned, and that in the after life only believers receive salvation. Why do they not consider atheist collateral damage, and think them benign. Basically whats the drive behind the creationist effort for conversion, is it a legitimate concern or something my heathen mind cant grasp?

At what point do you buy another car?

My 1999 Plymouth Gran Voyager SE has 133,000 miles on it. How far do you let the mileage get up to before you should buy another car. I was going to drive it until it fell apart or the repairs became too much. I heard some people will buy another car after their car reaches like 150,000 miles on it.

Ever notice how some straight guys...?

Haha well when you put it that way its hard not laugh at how straight guys react when trying to reinforce their sexuality. I know exactly what you mean, I have tons of straight friends that do this. Insecurity exist on both sides regardless of your sexuality, Its completely normal. Affirmation is just another word for insecurity. I like the dialogue you posted though, I was laughing through out it cause its so true. =)

What are your favorites metal/hard rock albums of 2010?Choose in this list.?

normally a thrash metal listener but i haven't really listened to any of the old school bands new albums so i'm gonna go with slash's self titled because it impressed me and i like the wide variety of vocals

Do religious people realize religion is cultural and in no way intelligence based?

Yes, Christians, those weird foreigners that believe in other religions than you do aren't "heathens." They just happen to have been before in a place where your religion doesn't dominate. In other words, they weren't fortunate enough to be brainwashed by your version of the "truth."

A/C blows hot on 1994 Plymouth Voyager?

I have a 1994 Plymouth Voyager van. I keep on re-charging its air conditioning system with R134a almost every week. When re-charged, the A/C blows cold. Before one week elapses, it blows hot. I use a colored freon to observe any leakage but I don't see any. Please advise me.

Please help me all cat lovers! what do i do?

Would you be proud of your daughter if she saved a cat from abuse just tell your mum how you feel about the cat and shell understand

Why did the LORD tell atheists to buy slaves in Leviticus 25:44 (KJV)?

"...shall be of the heathens that are round about you; of them shall ye buy bondmen and bondmaids."

Mothers: what would you do if some other child hit your child?

Not with their hand but with a rock! It just happened. My two year old was playing with his dump truck in the park when another little boy of about three or four came up. They started playin together which was fine. But then he decided to take my sons truck away from him. When my son wouldn't let go the little heathen hit him in the head with a rock and tried to run off. By that point I had gotten there and gathered my son and the truck to go inside. The little boy started yelling at me inspanish. I have no idea what unit he lives in or if his mother speaks english (unlikely) but the whole area is overrun with little naked mexican kids who don't share their toys and steal from others. This isn't the first time one of them has stolen something from my son, they have taken his cars and his bike from him but never has he been injured by on of them. He has a huge goose egg now. I'm so mad. I'm tempted to just never take him to the apartment park again even though the next closest is several blocks away. I'm all for sharing but my son is entitled to play with HIS toys without being harassed, right?

Is it hard to replace the screen in an lg voyager?

i got pissed off and smashed the screen on my voyager, is it hard to replace if i get one for parts on ebay?

Why do roommates have to pull this squatters law crap why can't they just leave worst people I have ever met?

Because you're making it easy for them to do so. Make their living conditions intolerable and they won't stay.

Is Jesus a Heathen? Another Angry Candy Inspired Question?

I have to pity the fact that you don't know the difference between repetition and vain repetition, as noted in my comments. Are you prepared to call your Lord a sinner?

So...if slavery really wasn't so bad in the Old Testament days, and therefore it's OK for God to approve...?

Read or see " Conversations With God " by Walsh to realize that everybody has a God Self too . And , even though Moses may have actually talked to the " God Person " every once in a while , It is obvious that Moses relied mostly on his own Spiritual God Self for satisfying what ever he thought was O. K . But God , Himself would never say such things . But , it is easy to confuse the two once you let them talk to you . But , concerning slavery or servanthood , people tend to allow themselves to be ruled by a Coach if they think that may help them to face and overcome their natural instincts of guilt , fear , frustration , and sorrow , so that they wont end up in that place where Jesus said there is weeping , wailing , and gnashing of teeth .

Is there a safe way to lower my sex drive?

Im 30 yrs old, been married for ten years. Wont leave my wife bc of our children. Shes a good mom, and a decent roommate, just not someone who is close to me. I have always tried to go the extra mile for her in bed, giving her multiple inner orgasms, and always atleast one outer before I take get mine. Yet the feelings have never been mutual. Her being a full time college student only compounds the problem. I have sent her flowers for absolutely no reason, I still treat her as a gentleman should. Now, I am also having problems with both of my knees. Even just fifteen minutes of sex (with me doing everything which is normal) is quite painful. Its just not worth it. A french kiss complete with forplay when the kids are asleep is just "sweet time" to her, not remotely erotic even though I am obviously turned on....I need to turn my sex drive off...HELP....

To Calvinist, why do men reproach you guys ?

Why is it Calvinist, that people reproach you guys so much. You can't even type calvinst on google without seeing pages of arguments and comments and articles, people hate calvinst more than pagans and heathen.

How do i ,a christian ,give answers from my god to the heathen and christians as well who have questions?

Solomon was a man filled with a lot of wisdom, the more you walk with Jesus and read His word, the knowledgeable you get.

2002 Ply. Voy. How 2 change brk. lt.?

HOW do you change the brake light bulb on a 2002 Plymouth Voyager? I don't see any way to get access.

Is Vic Mignogna a jerk?

He is a product of his environment and takes on the jerkiness of a teetering train created by the proletariat of the 17th century.

Why is their so much hypocrisy among Christians?

Christians believe Adam and Eve where the first people alive. So that means that in order to keep the the human race alive, both Adam and Eve must have commuted insest. So does this mean its ok to be sexual with your daughter but not someone of the same gender? The bible also says a man who has long hair is a sinner and yet, Jesus himself had long hair. "Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him?" l Corinthians 11:14 Another verse says all females must be silent in church. “Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak”-- 1 Corinthians 14:34 You aren't supposed to say pre-written prayers either. “But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.” Matthew 6:7. Another verse says you aren't allowed to judge others. You Christians are not allowed to judge the gay, pot smoking, atheist, ultra liberal hippie walking down the street, but 99 out of a 100 Christians will. Do you Christians love your family? Well, your not supposed to. "If any man come to me, and not hate his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sister, yet, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple” Luke 14:26. Oh, well maybe you don't, but you at least call you parents Mother and Father. Oops, now your a sinner. “And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven” Matthew 23:9 By now your probably planning on how to defend yourself. Oops. You just did it again. “Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or that ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on... Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, not gather into barns; yet your heavenly father feedth them. Are ye not much better than they?” --Matthew 6:25-34 & Luke 12:22-31 inclusive. You aren't even allowed to be prepared. This is why I am Agnostic.

I went to church drunk today, Everyone is judging me now. What can I do?

Look, I have a problem, and I needed Christ. I go usually once a month and now I am afraid people wont take me seriously and will think of me as a heathen. I am not a bad person, at least I don't think so.

Dear atheists of R&S...?

My life has been one of unlimited Free thought and Investigation without any fear of the consequences,using Reason and common sence to arrive at the Truth,or as close as I could get to the Truth. FreeThinker,Atheist,Agnostic,Non-believe… name doesn't matter...what matters is the fact tthat your Mind isn't fettered by the chains of Religion and Superstitious Fears and therefore you have the very Important ability to Reason! Most of your Intolerance and Bigotry originates from Religion......hey,the Bible Supports the Evil of Slavery,and that alone is enough reason to reject it.

Remote access programs?

I just downloaded TeamViewer onto two laptops. One is my own, and one me and my roommate share. Basically what I want to do is log into the remote computer, however, it tells someone when i'm on it. I'm not trying to watch what he's doing or anything of that nature. Just pulling a prank. It just wouldn't work so well if he sees me sign in. Is there a way I can hide this or perhaps another program that doesn't notify when I sign in or out.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Why are atheists trying to take religion out of everything?

Religion is the reason why we have Atheists in the first place. sounds to me that your the one being rude.

Oil light, tick for cold start.?

It means you have a bad engine and it could die. Usually Plymouth, Crysler, and Dodge cars have the same problem. The engines usually die around 200,000 miles.

Why can people tell that I am an atheist without me telling them?

This is a recurring thing in which I will meet someone and get to know them, without talking about religious views at all until the moment that I say I am an atheist they will say they knew it already. Once at a health science camp I was talking with a couple of roommates about religion and my RA said that out of everybody in the room he would pin me first as the atheist. Is there a certain type of mentality or mindset that causes people to be able to tell? Does this happen in your experience?

When Voyager I encountered the planet Neptune in 1989, the planet was approximately 2.7 billon miles for the e?

When Voyager I encountered the planet Neptune in 1989, the planet was approximately 2.7 billon miles for the earth. How many hours did it take for the television signal to reach Earth form Neptune? (1 mile= 1.609km) . please EXPLAIN AND PLEASE INCLUDE UNITS, THANK YOU!

LUXOR: Anyone interested in spending one month in Luxor, Egypt?

I am looking for 2 roommates to share a 3 bdrm flat on the West Bank. The flat is 10 minutes from the Valley of the Kings. It is a fully furnished, but very basic flat>$150 each person per month. This is a great opportunity to discover the outdoor museum of the world.

Why didn't they just send a video player on voyager 1 and 2 space crafts instead of a disc?

I have read that NASA sent gold plated discs with the space crafts voyager 1 and voyager 2 containing information about humans and other living creatures on this earth in case these space crafts were found by some extra-terrestrial intelligent form of life. They also included symbolical information to help them retrieve data (by building some sort of playback machine) from those discs but my question is that why didn't they just put some sort of a video player that could playback video and audio data when activated. Why bother teaching them how to make a disc player when the primary purpose is to convey to them the message?

Dear Christian why did you pray like the hypocrites ?

"And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly. But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be HEARD FOR THEIR MUCH SPEAKING. Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him. (From the KJV Bible, Matthew 6:5-8)"

How does one worship Thor? Are there any simple non-Heathen rituals?

I am in need of someone to describe a simple solitary ritual to Thor that I could perform. Most of the ones I've found online are simply too long for me to perform, require too many tools or items or are meant for large groups. I am after something simple that anybody can do regardless of faith or religion.

What do the Nordic heathens make of Marvel's upcoming Thor movie?

They will burn down the Uruguayan embassy, kill shinto monks and attack hot dog vendors: or am I getting my religions mixed up here.

Death/Black/Thrash/Heavy/Speed Metal Fans?

You forgot Flotsam & Jetsam, W.A.S.P., Vio-lence, Raven, and a few others but overall great list

Coming from China, my roommate's uncle tried to visit Spratly Islands on a Chinese visa but has disappeared?

their family hasn't heard from him for the past 5 days and my roommate is concerned about his whereabouts. Where should her family lodge a complaint to track his whereabouts?

Was this, "Jesus died for your Sins", the Greatest Lie ever Told?

Did Satan write this or did you, or maybe both of you together. The BIGGEST lie is that Jesus did not die for your sins. I know Jesus and he has changed me, from the wreck that I was. You dont have to accept Gods gift of redemption and no one can make you. Do you really think God would allow people to be decieved by reading his holy Word and following his intruction? Jesus is everything that the Father said he would be in the OT, to me and to other Christians.

Are African Americans "present day" Christians because they didn't want to be labeled Heathens by Europeans?

It maybe true that at one time some African Americans called themselves Christians so that others would not think of them as Heathens... however today people usually only follow a religion they believe in rather than because of what other people may think of them.

URGENT!! What steps should i take against outrageous claims against my security deposit?

The experts for this are usually at Legal Services or Legal Aid. This is complex so you need to spend some time with a lawyer.

What is it like to live in a dorm?

i am moving to a dorm soon and will have a roommate what is your experience with it? and what is dorm food like?

Is Easter a big deal in the south?

I'm from the heathen north so I'm just wondering if I should go to church or buy a ham or something. I'm curious if religious holidays are a bigger deal in the "bible belt" than they are in less religious areas of the United States.

What should my boyfriend and I do today?

i was gonna suggest a swim park (I have one down the road from me) with a picnic packed with goodies (and maybe even wine). The park by my house also has trails that i go hiking on so that the water feels even better good luck please let us know what you decide :)

Problem connecting to internet with Netgear N300 Wireless Router?

My roommate just purchased a Netgear N300 Wireless Router and set it up. He created a password which I have. I entered the password on my wireless laptop and it says i have successfully connected to the network, but I do not have internet access. It states I only have a "local connection". I have never had a problem connecting to wireless hotspots until now and I'm running out of ideas. I have my computer set up to acquire IP address automatically etc. I can successfully connect to his wireless network on my cell phone w/o any problems and friends can too when they visit. I have reset the modem / router and it has not corrected the problem. Can someone explain what I need to do get connected to internet. Thanks!

Why won't verizon let me switch phones?

Alright, so I had the LG voyager. But something happened and the buttons on the front fell off. So I got a new phone, which was the pantech jest. I'm on my third replacement of that phone. So I thought I'd switch back to my voyager. I called *228 to activate it, and it said "we are unable to program your phone." So what should I do?

What would disprove your beliefs, to you?

I would believe in god if there were a logical proof or sound argument. Sometimes I think I hear one and entertain the notion before resolving it.

An Atheist theologian thinks the word "atheism" should not exist. Opinions?

My guess is that anyone has moments of doubt and moments of belief, and moments of hope, and moments of despair, and moments of joy, to varying levels... Any term, like Christian or Atheist, or Muslim become a caricature, and doesn't represent the actual beliefs of a person on a given day.

Christian's: Didn't Justin Martyr admit that christianity is nothing new...?

The salvation story is embedded into the hearts of all people. That's why most fables contain a conflict between good and evil and good ultimately saves the day and takes the damsel or people in peril away to safety. Tale as old as time. Beauty and the beast. We are the beast and the beauty desires ugly ol' us.

Room-mate broke lease, left belongings, is now asking for his security deposit back.?

I personally think it might be best to go to court or at least seek legal advice because your situation with this roommate is so complicated. I've attached a link which is Michigan's practical guide to tenant/landlord rights. It gives you advice about what to do in situations like these. With regards to the security deposit, you have to check your lease about breaking it and refunding any person's security deposit, and I would go talk to management myself or call them to ask their advice on the situation as well.

What would happen if i moved out of my rental house before the lease is up?

If i cant pay rent anymore but my 2 roommates still can, what would the consequences of just me breaking the contract be?

Moving out of house, how to split bills w/ roommate?

Whose name is on this bill? That's your answer. Or, if you do have ties to this person, then you must split the bill. Then avoid her like the plague in the future. But do get it done this time and don't try to drag it out.

Virtual Villagers 5 Help!?

Help! I just started off playing and i'm restoring the mausoleum i can keep the blue masked heathens distracted but then the Master builder heathen comes over and begins to bury the mausoleum! how do i distract him, because he will ruin everything.

Where is the best place to live on campus at university of tennesse?

i have a lot opposite sex friends and i have to live on campus my fresh\man year don't care to have roommates or cramp like that i just don't want to buy there food or walk a mile to do laundry

What kind of phone is this?

I really like the type of phones that are touch screen but open up to a keyboard. Like the LG Voyager, or LG Env Touch. Except are there any phones like that for AT&T? Thanks muchos(:

Can roommate enter room without permission?

I have a verbal agreement with my roommate for renting a master bedroom with private bath. I pay my rent on time as agreed upon. Since I have started renting the room, not only has he increased the rent by $120 a month, he has also moved in his girlfriend, her daughter and constantly has a houseful of people. There is only one other bathroom in the house and he has told me that any time they feel the need to, whoever wants to, will come into my room to use my bathroom. I was under the impression that if I am paying rent on a room, that no one is allowed to come into my room without further notice. I keep my door closed at all times and it never happens when I am home. Only when I am gone. Please help as I am feeling very invaded by my roommate.

What age would you like to live to?

Like someone else said, it depends on my physical condition. I would like to live for however long I can until I need constant care.

I Wanna Move To LA , !?

Okay So Ive Been Thinking About Moving To LA , I Was There Visiting Family && Just Fell In Love ! Im 19, Stay In TN, Live With My Parents , I Have My Car , & A Job, Im Thinking About Moving Next Year , Once I Save Enough Money To Be Okay For The First 2 Months Im There && It Would Also Be Nice To Find A RoomMate Since Apartments Are Pretty Expensive ...But Everyone Tells Me Not Too Move , I Get ALOT Of Negative Feedback... So Any Advice ? I Know LA Is Expensive && I Cant Just Expect To Move There & Be Fine... Nothing In Life Is Easy.... But Its A Change I Really Need... Im Just Looking For Advice , Pleasee (:

Monday, July 18, 2011

How do we follow these mindless verses from pslms?

This reflects the society and culture of the land and time of the bible. A very barbaric time and place. Also, think of it as reading shakespeare or some other dramatic reading.

Which smell lingers longer in an apartment: Cigarettes or Weed?

My roommate and I were having a discussion on which substance would linger longer in an apartment if smoked.(Cigarettes or weed) If anyone can give an educated decision or an unbiased website that shows the facts (not or something) that would be extremely helpful.

Which County murders more baby's per year? American-or red star bug eating China?

I know the heathen infidel Indians kill all the girl baby's so don't be born a female over there......

Does anyone know what will make my 1999 grand voyager rev high as soon as it is started could it be the plenum?

my 1999 grand voyager rev high as soon as it is started in all gears had to remove the plenum to do some heater hose repair and the plenum gasket was damaged could this cause the engin to rev at high rpm

My cell phone cant call any number that starts with 770...?

when i try to call anyone with my area code (770) my phone starts to call them but then restarts itself. i thought it was just land line numbers but my cousins cell phone starts with 770 and it does the same thing. also ppl cant call me. it'll either ring and ring then go to voice mail or go straight to voice mail. ive tried to restore my phone. and i checked the restrictions on incoming and outgoing calls and its suppose to allow them. my phone is a Verizon LG Voyager. its older but i just got it today from we called who we got it from and they said they aren't even sure whats wrong with it. the verizon tech support didn't know how to help us either. so has anyone had this problem with verizon? and how did you get it fixed?? please help me :)

Please help me - roommate issue over guest visiting?

I have had this same issue come up living with roommates. I am a social person but I feel that your home is your home and there is where you should be comfortable and be able to have you time. Something about having overnight visitors just rubs me the wrong way. I don't think you were over reacting at all. You even tried to compromise with your roommate. Sounds like maybe next time get a 1 bedroom or studio and live on your own... With roommates there is always something!!

Why don't my gas gage or speedometer or temp gage work?

have a 1996 plymouth Grand Voyager, all my gages stop working at same time,I do still have dash lights tho. We checked all fuses inside and out of van.

Why is Europe considered great for its achievements despite the harm it has caused?

Europe is the center for today's western civilization. Beginning with end of medieval times through the black plague Europe has been the central figure in western thought and deed. Presently, China and India are making a resurgence that will only increase over the next few hundred years and bring them into the lead for the world to envy. Only a an uncontrolled population spurt or a thermonuclear war will deter its rise.

Is the palm pre easy to text on?

I am thinking of buying this phone but I am used to my huge lg voyager keyboard so I was wondering how texting on it is? Can you type fast?

What do I do when I've finished all my puzzles on virtual villagers 5? ?

All you can do now is wait till the next game comes out xD lol.. You beat the game even though there isn't a actual ending, you finished all there is. What I would do if I were you is.. Make it so your villagers sustain life without you and then speed up your computer clock and see how long they live without you actually stepping in xD.. Thats what I do.

Where are the world's hotspots for "unwashed heathens"? do Christians determine where they will be doing missionary work? In their own backyard or travel to exotic countries? In Marketing terns: how do they segment and target their opportunities and develop well-reasoned strategies and budgets?

What would be the worst religion-based event/issue/crime to occur in the future or near future?

I think that most people would say genocide, but personally, I think a nuclear war over a religious feud would probably be the worst.

Read my poem please and tell me what you think?

Sorry, but I don't feel like it flows. It seems awkward. The voice changes inexplicably. The punctuation is incorrect, which adds to the confusing flow. "Hair gone happy or dead" <-- this doesn't make sense, and I think it may be because of a lack of punctuation.

Am i turning homophobic? serious question.? I have always loved and got along with everybody...I even had a gay roommate for about a year...I would even go with him and a few of his friends to the gay clubs every now and then just to take a break from the straight scene and I genuinely enjoyed the company and atmosphere...but now...the more that I'm surounded by the "gay lifestyle" in the news 24/7 and in my hometown...I'm kind of starting to dispise it...I support gay mariage but..idk...after going to a couple pride festivals and seeing all the whorish attitudes..idk..I'm just getting really over the whole rights arguement and other crap...I'm a straight man with a gf but I don't wanna lose my gay buddies to my new feelings...anybody else starting to feel like this??? Say what you want about straight men being'd be lucky to find ONE loyal gay man in my town...sorry if I offended anybody..and no I'm not speaking about something that happened to just seems to be a general observtion I made through my time in various homosexual environments...

Husband and I Separating, Military?

Contact your family and see if you can move in with them. Once you two are separated, he only has to provide support for the kids which is a couple of hundred dollars based on his income. That will not cover all of your expenses.

How would you feel if you were in my place?

I was friends with this girl. We used to share so much with each other and eventually we became roommates. Then I saw her true colors. She was so needy. Literally, there was nothing this girl could do by herself. My other roommates and I would have to wait on her all the time. From reaching things for her on the top shelf, to walking her to the laundry room. She would make me wait to do things on her schedule, make me hold her stuff when we were shopping and everything. She would cut you off to talk about herself and blatantly ignore you when you were talking to her. It became excruciating for all of us. But because I cannot say no to people, she took the most advantage of me. I eventually just got fed up and stopped doing things for her. I mean, I'm not obligated. I was her roommate, not her mom. When I stopped she started to distance herself from me, She wouldn't talk to me about anything personal anymore. She completely cut me out of her personal life. The only time she would ever talk to me is when she needed my class notes or help with her homework. I don't miss her or anything, at all. She was a pain in the ***, and I'm honestly better off without her. We don't even speak anymore. But at the same time, I can't help but feel hurt. To this day, she leaves me out of plans she makes with my friends and she treats me like I did something to harm her. She's been ignoring me and I feel like she doesn't have the right to be mad at me. The worst part is that she's still close with my friends and I'm afraid I'll have to face her in the future. If it were you, how would you act towards her now? Also, do you think that I am also being selfish? Please, any constructive help would be greatly appreciated.

How can i stop discriminating against christian bands?

it's like i just have something against christians....I can listen to satanic, heathen/pagan bands with no problem but if i try to listen to christian bands, even if you can't really tell and it just sounds like magical, fantasy lyrics like in power metal......i am so judgmental about it! but i want to stop being like that.

Catholics help me out here?

Regardless of how you approach the issue of false teaching in the Catholic Church, you will be considered a hate-monger. Many would prefer to keep the redefined teachings, lie about their merit or simply not care one way or the other.

Dish Network early termination fee thanks to roommate?

Do you plan to marry her? Do you plan to go into business with her? Will there be any affiliation once you are no longer room mates? Then don't worry about the fee. You claim to be moving out due to landlord issues, but I wonder if that's not a convenient way for you two to part company. If the 12 month decision was made before she signed up for Dish network, then you aren't indebted to her for half of that amount. If you two decided to get out after she signed up with Dish network, then it's possible you have a partial responsibility for the bill, but only because there wasn't a decision made. If this is a grudge on your part, (you're kind of trashing her in your question, and I suspect it's to sway whatever answer in your direction) offer to pay $100 towards it, and accept that she will take 75% of the responsibility. If your claim is true, then it's her problem. Be prepared to be painted as the evil one when she begins to tell mutual acquaintances that you stiffed her for the Dish Network bill. It sounds like she can play the victim pretty well. What she "should" have done is irrelavent as we can't change the past. You need to weigh the positive and negative of the deal and see if it's worth $200 to you to keep it positive. There is one alternative. If you can find new renters who are willing to have Dish network and sign up for an additional two years, (for a total of 3 years) Dish network might let that happen. Good Luck....


ok im really mad right now. So i was having a conversation with my "best friend" and hes in florida and i was talking to him about the girl i have loved for 8 years. He tells me he thinks shes a slut and that he helped her bf come up with questions to ask the girl when they play a question game! He came up with really sexual questions too! And, i also don't really like the girls bf, he kinda drinks and smokes and stuff, so i kinda was trash talking him to defend the girl i love cause she ISN'T a slut!!! Then i tell him if he tells her bf ANY of this he can say goodbye to his current girlfriend (i could actually do that) and then he tells me that his roommate (my "friend" is in Florida on a class trip) is reading EVERY TEXT OUT LOUD FOR THE BF TO HEAR!!! The people in his room are him, the kid reading the texts out loud, and the girls bf. IM REALLY P***** OFF AT MY SO CALLED FRIEND BUT WHAT DO I DO NOW????? I can only assume the bf HATES me now but what can i do..... i LOVE this girl btw :(

Will people even care when Phelps dies?

Larry Flynt actually grew to like Gerry Falwell despite being his life long enemy. And Gerry Falwell actually grew to admire Larry Flynt, tho he never said so publicly. They were strange friends when you think about it, but it shows people can grow to like and admire people they have hated.

I just added my roommate on facebook. What do I say?

I got my roommate assignment today from my college and my future roommate just accepted my friend request on facebook. What am I supposed to say without sounding weird, creepy, or overly friendly? Obviously saying nothing just makes it awkward...

Was my mom trying to change my mind?

I'm moving in two weeks and today my mom seemed like she was trying to change my mind. She was telling me my roommate might be hard to live with (I've known him since junior high) and I need to make sure I can afford to be on my own. I'm 23 and a college grad. I have thought about this and feel like it's time for me to go.

Did humans invent god, so they had someone to agree with them?

Humans invented god to explain all the phenomenons they could not understand- yet. They created gods rules because they did not like getting raped, stolen from and killed. Served a function at the time. Some of the god's even had cool and exciting stories. That era is loooong gone and religion does far more harm than good.

Where does my tuition and room&board money go?

I go to the University of Oregon. So when I pay 20 grand a year for college, where does all of that money go to? This is roughly 10 grand housing and 10 grand tuition. For Housing, I see no way that it takes 10 grand from each of the 2 roommates to live in a SMALL dorm with food. Maybe a few thousand, but 10 each to live in a small room with food. Also what about tuition? When there are 20,000 kids paying for classes, how does it come out to roughly 10 grand each. Thats roughly 200 million dollars to go towards teacher salaries. Not to mention GTF's who teach a lot of the classes and only receive $4,500 for the year. I just don't see where the money goes. I've heard that there are things like clubs will receive $5,000 from the school and they can be about anything, such as "Watching soccer for diversity purposes". In other terms, the club has trips to sports bars and watch soccer for "diversity purposes", with the school, or let me say student picking up the tab. WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

Need help with a 94 plymouth grand voyager minivan?

I bought it about 2 months ago and when I bought it the guy had a wire sticking out from the grill with which to pop open the hood. Well that wire has snapped and now I can't get my hood open. I need to open it so I can replace the alternator. Can anyone please tell me how to get the hood open? It is a 94 Plymouth Grand Voyager Se 3.3L V6 2wd

Is pipe in front of "townhome" private property? (state of Colorado)?

I live in a building that’s called an apartment but is actually what seems to me to be three “townhomes” attached to each other. I live in the first one, apartment “A”. About three feet to the side of each front door is a u shaped pipe that goes into the ground – not sure what it’s for. Running along the front doors/pipes is a driveway that goes to the back of the building, where the dumpsters, other apartments and a bike rack are located. I need a place to park my bike. I can’t do it to the pipe in front of my apartment’s door because my roommate already uses it (for 2 bikes). I’m not strong enough to bring my bike inside up three flights of stairs inside. I have been locking my bike to apartment “B”’s pipe because I just moved in and never saw a bike there. “B”’s residents want me to park my bike at the bike rack at the back because they want to use the pipe for their bikes. Due to a myriad of reasons, I’m not willing to park my bike at the bike rack unless the pipe is private property and actually belongs to them. Otherwise, in my opinion, it should be first come first serve. My question is, who is right? Is the pipe private property belonging to “Apartment B” or is it public property for all the residents of the building?

Why must Atheists be exceedingly patient with our religion-believing family/friends but not vice versa?

One would think that there would be more tolerance of others beliefs in a forum where religion and spirituality are discussed. Whatever we believe or do not believe, there is no excuse for bad manners. I do not believe in the God that is described in the Bible however I do believe that there is an intelligence or consciousness behind all of creation with whom we co-create this reality and our consciousness evolution. We have no proof of the existence of God so anything that is believed in purely opinion. We need to show tolerance and respect for others opinions. I have found that even people of the same belief do not agree on every aspect of their religion. I will quote one of your religious beliefs, "judge not that ye be not judged". When I first came to R&S, I looked forward to the intellectual exchange of ideas. And there are sometimes that it does actually happen, but it is rare.

What if the dark ages never happened?

Just love counterintuitive history. If the dark ages never happened we would probably never had the renaissance and all the beauty that gave us. Also means giant rabbits could have taken over the world and we would all be carrot farmers.

Why are liberals such Godless Communist Heathens?

same reason republikkkans are fascists who have a huge propaganda machine in a feeble attempt to mask their multitude of shortcomings.

What rights does a mother have getting full custody?

My friend is going to court for custody decision about her 3 yr old daughter. She now has split custody with her daughter's father, he takes her half the week, & she has her the other half. His live-in girlfriend is absolutely crazy, she swears a lot, screams a lot, she breaks things when she's angry, she starts fights with everyone, she smokes pot every day, she & this little girl's father got pulled over with a DWI & possession of marijuana a while ago. She bad mouths my friend and her roommate on Facebook, sends nasty texts, etc... My friend doesn't do anything back to her. She doesn't drink, smoke, party, she never swears in front of her kids (she also has a 7 yr old son), she takes her kids to church every Sunday, but her ex is an atheist. How do you decide what belief system to go by when both parents have opposite views? My friend is just not ever retaliating. But she wants what's best for her daughter, and doesn't feel that his girlfriend is fit to be an influence around her daughter. Can she get full custody with this info I provided? (NY)

Should I move in with a gay roommate?

I am a virgin, and it is a big coin toss whether or not I want to experiment with the same sex, I am not sure if I would like it or regret it with the rest of my life, i need some help.

What could be the reason excessive thick white smoke is coming of of the exhaust pipe of my mini van?

just got this used minivan 91 Plymouth Voyager, about 150k miles. Engine seems to be strong starts up no problem, but there is a lot of white smoke coming out of the exhaust. Now this van has been sitting for over a year. It belonged to my neighbor. I know it hasn't moved.

Im skinny but I want abs any tips please?

Well I want to start working on my abs what do I need to get or do? My roommate thinks it's so funny that he has an 8 pac and I don't have anything? What works should I do and what do I need? Thanks

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson Essay?

Jim never refers to the island as anything other than "Treasure Island." However, "Treasure Island" is only the voyagers' private nickname for the place. Why doesn't Jim or Stevenson reveal a more geographically accurate name for this island?

Can I refuse sustitute service?

I just got told by someone who is trying to serve my roommate court papers (family law) that if they can't get a hold of my roommate then they will substitute serve me... it's the first time I heard of it. I am not a party in this case and I would like no involvement in it whatsoever. So, my question is, can I just kindly tell the person that I refuse to be substitute serviced?

Are Americans really this intolerant?

I am American. I was born and raised in Arizona, and I currently live in Ohio. I appreciate people of all colors, and of all cultures. So no, not all of us are that way. I'm only 18, but keep in mind that you're in college. Not everyone is mature by that age.

Chrysler Voyager stereo code?

the code is exclusive to your radio that is why they have them , the only way you can get it is from the main agent or get it re-coded.

What does this quote by Blaise Pascal mean?

I think you understand the quote well enough. Would examples help? I can't help thinking you are not serious, especially when you refer to "the devil-symbol science of mathematics," and fail to recognize that for most of Christian history, there were only Catholics. All others were condemned as heretics and burned or otherwise disposed of.

How long does it take for Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 to send and receive information to and from Earth?

Just curious. My guess is that it's probably upward of a few hours. I'm probably way off though...

Anyone have the Palm Pre? Is it a good phone?

The Pre is a VERY good phone. Easy to use and is very functional. Wifi is always free. Which means data goes out over wifi when it is connected and data then will not go out over your cell phone carrier's network. When you are not connected to wifi then it will go out over your cell signal.

Very annoyed with old best friends?

I'm going through the same thing, you're annoyed easily with them because you met someone better, if one thing annoys you about a person everything the person does will start to annoy you, here's a thought how about you tell them straight forward what you just told us, just go tell them walk away and continue life with your nice friends. good luck you have nothing to lose, except a couple of annoying people, hope I helped. :)

Where can I get a dataset of the Voyager 1 probe positions?

I am wondering if there is any datasets out there that can provide me with a list of equatorial coordinate (ra/dec) postions of the Voyager 1 probe since it's launch?

How do I change the front brake pads on a 1992 Plymouth Voyager?

It has a 3.0 engine and 15" wheels. I figured they needed replacing after I almost ran into a tree.

I want to be a better christian and earn god's love i need someone's help he hates me?

i have been raised in the church but latelky i have done some bad things. i have stolen and robbed people. i also cheated on my girlfriend with her best friend. i don't know satan has really been working within me lately. i masturbate a lot also and look at porn all the time... i'm really worried i'm going to hell and i don't want that. i have been pratying to god and jesus and the ghost but they won't listen to me or answer me, and i don't think they love me anymore. my mom found out about some of the sinful stuiff i've done lately and basically told me i'm to pack my bags and get the hell out and find somewhere else to live... but where will i go? i guess i could move in with my girlfriernd's ex-best friend but things have been awjward with her lately. i don;'t know i really want a drink and a smoke right now but i know that's wrong and will damn me more to hell and stan has just been really mean and tough to me lately and i don't know maybe i'm a satanist and heathen and i feel god wll never forgive me now and that he hates me since he won't talk to me at all i'm really scared please tell me how to be better and get back to his love

Should I have a puppy or a dog as a college student? ?

I am 21, been in college 3 years. I live with 2 roommates & a maltese 1 year old. I am thinking about a yorkie 1-3 year old. I looked at ownership costs monthly v. yearly. I take 3 classes a semester & work part-time. I love being active & hanging with a maltese, seeing my roommate take care of him (health, heartworm pills, etc) helped me learn. I think the maltese would have someone to play with when we're not home & I wouldn't be so depressed when I'm home alone. Do you think i'm ready to take care of a dog, and can handle the time needed to devote?

Roommate wants a security deposit for sublet, best way to approach this?

I am subletting a room for a month and the guy wants a security deposit that is half the rent of the room. What is the best way to go out this so that I do not lose money. Currently we have nothing except verbal agreement over all of this. Some ideas I have are getting something written but even will that protect me. Serious answers only, thank you.

How to replace the power steering pump on a chrysler voyager?

OMG that's a fun job, (done a couple) Get a manual, and a Good set of tools. Too much to explain here.

R & P: So what do you think of the band's in MY iTunes library?

Where's Arcade Fire? And yeah you are all over the map. No Stones? I have 13 in common but no metal(hate it) or rap(really REALLY hate it) As for your other question: Neither I'm a Sharks fan.

Speedo doesnt work and transmission wont shift on 99 plymouth grand voyager?

I've replaced the shift solenoid and the input and output speed sensors... still won't shift and speed still won't work, could this be the tcm?

Ex/Roommate Text Convo! Who's in the wrong?

sounds like M needs to get over A! Im not sure why y ou thought being roomates after you broke up was a good idea but its not. someone needs to move out soon!

Stress? Chest pains...?

I am a 3rd grade teacher. They're behavior is terrible!! I have to teach and raise them. I have been having chest pains for the last 3 weeks. It started after I yelled at them one day. I think I might have pulled something. Do I need a new profession? I do not have any other previous conditions and I am 27. ---Do not respond saying I should not be yelling at them Until you come sit in a class with 32 kids alone, who act like heathens, you will not understand that part-- Thank you.

Internet keeps disconnecting. -_-?

when im on my laptop for a while, it periodically disconnects. every 10-20 minutes it will say 'no signal' and i will have to wait 5 minutes for the connection to come back on again.. it gets really annoying, and im not sure why its doing it because my roommate uses the same connection as me and she never has any troubles staying connected. is there anything i could do to fix this problem? thank you for all help.

What do you make of these Bible Verses?

An obvious truth that most people, even the people those verses describe would never want to accept.

Why do 3/4 of Americans who have post-graduate degrees believe in evolution?

My husband and I are both college graduates. He has a bachelors degree and I have a masters degree. We both believe in evolution, and we are both Christians. It doesn't matter to us whether God created the world in seven days or seven million years. We both believe that God did create the universe.

Yo, Religious Nuts and co, Give a desperate heathen some relationship/ moral advice please!?

I read through it. I'm not going to give any advice, preaching or lecturing, though; just a simple reminder that there are laws about this kind of thing. You're aware of them, because you've already mentioned them, but really, that's all that needs to be said in this case. Cheers.

When you move into a house with all different size rooms is it fair if everything is split equally?

If i'm moving into a 4 bedroom house with 2 other roommates is it fair that i have to split the deposit with everyone moving into the home? especially if im not on the lease because what happens if i move out i wont get my deposit back because im not on the lease?

What are some good Asatru , Neopaganism, or Heathen groups in Wisconsin?

a href="" rel="nofollow"

If you had to be stuck on a planet with one of the characters form any Star Trek,who would you choose?

There's been times when Star Trek characters have been left on a planet and different things happen. Like the time some kind of suggested romantic-ness was going on between Chakotay(Mmmmm :P) and Janeway on Voyager one time when they were stuck on a planet for a while.And the same with Worf and Dax when thier sexual tensions came out lol..So if you had to,who would you choose?Me I'd probably say Kirk cos he's sexy or Spock cos he's a bit sexy,but mainly really brainy ha ha :)

Can I sue my roommate for not giving me a 30 day notice even if she's not on the lease?

My roommate moved into my apartment when my ex left about 1 year ago. Recently we had a fight and she is moving out. Rent is due on the 1st and she is leaving on the 30th. The problem is that I live in low income housing. Can I still sue her for damages to the apartment and the rent for next month?

Why won't my phone turn on?

I have the Lg Voyager VX100000S It was fully charged, and randomly it started to flicker and turned off. I tried turning it back on. It got to the Verizon wireless screen then shut off again, and it keeps doing that, why won't it turn back on?

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Fighting a Speeding Ticket!?!?

make notes on what happen today. Was there any vehicles in the area and if so what were their description and where were they in relation to you. be as detailed as you can recall. you might need this info for later court. Also include what the officer said. He said. Go back and take some photos, print a few copies on your computer and make some notes on them where you saw the officer at the woods and where you were stopped. At 80mph you are travelling 117 ft per second. (1 mph x 1.466) If he believed you he does not have to give you a ticket and that voyager must have been running hot to the point of overheating. You have a 4 cyl in there? on the ticket does it say radar or laser. If the story you claim is true then its a radar clock because the operator wasn't paying attention to what he was doing. and just picked the closest vehicle which is not necessarily the fastest. You from Lee or east side of state. Contact the clerk of the court and plead not guilty they will give you a court date in about 8 to 12 weeks

Credit card..........? has a small form that will find the right credit card for you, even if you have terrible credit.

Does the HTC Innovation REQUIRE a data package?

I have an LG Voyager, that's just prettty much taken a crap. My mom has an old innovation, but I want to know is if I NEED the data pack, do I NEED the sim card? Will it work without them?

Fule consumption on a grand voyager?

can anyone help me and tell me what the fule consumption on a chrysler grand voyager is like please??

A David Bowie Question!?

What exactly is his album Heathen about? Is he the Heathen or am I misunderstanding the meaning if it?

What's your opinion on god's ways of showing love?

Everything that can't be answered via Science is explained by the concept of God . Whether god is fair or not is only a matter of perspective. A earthquake /natural calamity victim may blame god for loosing his family etc Or a guy who just escaped from a car crash and just brushed death Might start praising god s love and miracle !!

Should I move to Hawaii or not?

Im 18. I llive in California and I want to start over fresh after HS. Like I can go to Honolulu Community College maybe get a job and live at the Y or with a roommate. Or is it just to crazy of an idea?

Why do you think religious beliefs are such a sensitive topic for parents?

I mean, there are lots of things I disagree with in the "mainstream." I'm a fairly strong atheist, but religion isn't one of my hot topics. I find it more objectionable that unproven hippie-dippie-yippie science is taught in schools. I think that's more dangerous than trying to get heathen kids to believe that the Earth was created by some dude in a robe on a cloud a few thousand years ago.

Heathens, How do you feel about the Thor comic books?

I am Heathen myself, but I'm not really sure how to take these books. Part of me wants to be highly offended, but the other finds the idea of a comic about the Gods, even one so woefully inaccurate, amusing. On the off chance any other Odinists or Atatrur' are on, what do you think?

How can you assure that your roommate will pay for damages to an apartment you share.?

Okay, here's the story. My sister shares an apartment with her (ex)boyfriend. They are both on the lease. Recently he has become physically abusive to her and has punched holes in the walls, doors, cabinets of the apartment. She obviously does not live there anymore and has accepted the fact that she will have to may half rent until the lease is up. But now we are worried that her boyfriend will just leave the apartment in its severely damaged condition and she will get stuck with a huge bill. How can we make him pay for it?

Why do Christians come off so mean?

Aren't Christians supposed to be loving people? I mean us Atheists are non-believing heathens and we don't know any better, shouldn't you be setting an example for our lost souls? Be the better person, what would Jesus do?

What are some pagan practices that just weren't secksy enough to get co-opted by Christianity?

dancing naked round teh fire on all hallows, feeding christians to wild animals, orgys would be nice in the right climate too

Is there a list of what music is on the golden record on the voyager spacecrafts ?

Yes. I was looking at all that about a week ago from a link I got in a Techrepublic email. I think the url is just " ; . Or bing techrepublic (or NASA SCIENCE. guv) at Cnet. There is quite a lot of info on V's 1 & 2, but can't seem to find much on Pioneer 10 & 11.

Lethargic hermit crab?

He is probably sick if not just being lazy, can't go to the vet with it. But if you lose him sorry and might wanna try hermit sponge for them to drink with sorry and hope it works

Does Comcast charge by how much internet you use (such as PG E does with electricity) or do they have...?

do they have a flat monthly rate or do they charge like PG E? because last month my roommates and i payed 40 dollars for it, while it may have been for 2 months this months bill was 15 dollars which is 30 dollars over 2 months. So for the significant reduction (not complaining just curious) it seems rather odd how it all works

Are you familiar with the phrase "the heathens' own"? If so, what does it mean?

I heard it in a song ("Grand Inlet", featured on the album "Gales of November") and I'm not sure what it means. Any help?

Bible question -- non-Jews/Christians who found favor with God?

My husband heard a sermon several years ago about a heathen people who found favor with God. They were righteous; maybe God told someone to spare them because of this, or maybe He used their secular goodness to shame the Jews/Christians. Are there any Bible scholars out there who can tell me who these people were and where to find the story? Thanks!

Can I use my old phone on a new contract?

I had verizon, and I've still got my old phone. It's an LG Voyager, kinda rough looking cuz it's taken some falls but it still works. I have at&t right now, an iPhone 3G and my mom is trying to cut off my phone..but my bf said he'll put me on his plan. I'm just wondering if my phone does get cut off, can I use my old phone from verizon on his plan? He has verizon, and idk what plan he has but I need my phone and I'm just wondering if I can use my old phone or if I'll have to buy a new one. Also..would it be possible if I could use my current iPhone with verizon even tho it's the old at&t phone? Jw. Thank you!

What I can I do to make a phone look a lot less uglier?

My phone broke so I got a replacementt but this phone is not eye candy so wat can I do to make it more attractive...please list ideas and where I can find themm.. Its and oldd voyager and it's all scratchedd uppp... Please helpp Thanks(:

Can windows media player stop by itself for any reason?

I was playing a series of about 50 videos on media player on windows 7 and I left home. I share this apartment with a roommate and she has a history of going through my room and leaving evidence on purppose when I'm gone. So I started locking my room's door a while ago but this happened today. Could it be just the computer or the videos having hiccups or did my roommate pick my lock and broke in?

Need an a/c belt for...?

I have a 1996 Plymouth Voyager, V6, 3.0L and need an A/C belt that won't break in 1-2 days. Any belt I've ever gotten from Advanced or Auto Zone have done that. Any suggestions?

My 1998 Plymouth voyager?

It makes a strange kInd of ticking noise when it's running. Someone told me to get the oil checked, but i just got an oil change and nothing else seems to be wrong? What could it be? Is it really bad? My van has less than 79,000 miles on it!!!

I need help remembering the name of a movie?

I saw it on Sci-Fi channel a long time ago (several years at least). The main character is a robot, who looks perfectly human, and doesn't know he's a robot at first. There are people who are trying to track him down, for study or something. and there's a "human" woman (I think she may have started oout working with the people trying to catch the guy, but i'm not sure about that part) who tries to help him get away from the people, and she turns out to be a robot as well, created by the same guy who created the other dude. and she jumps in front of the robot guy, when he's about to be blasted with some kind of energy disruptor or something, and it hurts her, because she is a robot as well, and the rest is a little fuzzy, (it was a long time ago). The main guy has short, light hair, and a receding hairline and looks somewhat like Robert Duncan McNiell (Tom Paris on Star Trek Voyager). I hope someone recognizes this description, it's driving me nuts that I can't figure out what this movie is.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Ex/Roommate Text Convo! Who's in the wrong?

I'm thinking it's a little of column A and a little of column B. Thus is the danger of texting. You can't text tones.

Long question involving a relationship between minor and adult?

okey so when i was 17 i was in a relationship with someone who was 19 but turned 20. my mother found out and made many threats but eventually got over it and this person continued to live with us as a roommate. this person also used my mothers computer to look up pornography and was called out on it and this person moved out. now im 18 and have been secretly meeting with person because we remained really good friends. i am forbidden by my mother to see this person. she states that she could take legal action and that legal action is under way involving the pornography found on her computer. she gave it to someone to look at and she says its out of her hands. this all took place about 2-3 months ago and nothing has happened. what can she actually do and what could actually be done, like as me getting in trouble? besides me possibly getting grounded since i live under her roof and making her angry, can anything legal happen? she never saw us kissing and has no proof that we had sex or even kissed since we just told her honestly that we were together after she found out by searching my phone and finding a text that said i love you. what could be done? im tired of not being able to hang out publicly with my friend because im afraid of what she could do. please help!

I get the feeling that everyone hates me?

all the girls are probably jealous because they think your boyfriend is cute. & ask him or his parents if they hate you. just be straight forward.

My roommate moved out about 12months ago, when does it become mine, if that's what happens.?

im too busy to set up time with her, and i just wanna get ride of it so they stop calling. and i just can leave it out somewhere. someone would have to be here to let them in, just no time at all in the world.

Why do people keep asking for proof or evidence about God/Faith?

Faith is just that, whether you are Christian, Buddhist, Animist,Heathen, Pagan, Muslim, Jewish, Baha'i, Zoroastrian,Hindu,Atheist... It's a matter of personal convictions regarding spiritual truths. Why would anyone have to prove that? there is such a concept as tolerance.

Verizon phone not sending texts and calls?

It's pretty much what I said. I have an LG Voyager from Verizon, and this happened last week as well. But, my phone is not sending my text messages it just displays the sending message screen until I cancel the message. Also, I can't place calls. I tried calling my dad, and it doesn't even ring it just says "calling dad" but doesn't ring.. I have service, it's not because of that because it happens where ever I happen to be when it acts up. Is there a reason behind this?

Roommate wants a security deposit for sublet, best way to approach this?

I am subletting a room for a month and the guy wants a security deposit that is half the rent of the room. What is the best way to go out this so that I do not lose money. Currently we have nothing except verbal agreement over all of this. Some ideas I have are getting something written but even will that protect me. Serious answers only, thank you.

Should I get a waxing or a laser hair removal?

I'm a 20 year old male in college and I have noticeable and dark hair on my hands, arms, knuckles, chest, and stomach. The fact is I don't want to shave because my mom always used to tell me "it grows back stronger, thicker, and blacker". The thing is ever since I was 15 I have been obsessive over this! I'm caucasian have dark brown hair and dark blue eyes if your wondering (I am of only Irish and English descent). I naturally have OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) and I have Asperger's (High Functioning Autism). My dad was very hairy and had thick hair on his hands and fingers. I have been so embarrassed to go to the pool with my friends (who are older than me and way less hairy than me), I have 6-pack abs but you can't see them well because of that HAIR GRRRRRR!!!!!! To my roommate, I always make the excuse "it's gay" when he always asks me "why do you always go to the bathroom when you put your shirt on and take your shirt off?" or "why don't you wanna swim with us?". I always wear long sleeves even in the summer and always wear a shirt when I swim because it's way too embarrassing!!!!!!!!!! I feel like my roommate is my only friend, I haven't had a girlfriend since I was 14, and I can't concentrate on any tests/quizzes because I'm just a big sychopath over this. Should I do waxing or laser hair removal?

Moving out, how to split final bills w/ roommate?

Amen brother, keep the faith, and let her learn from her mistakes. Quote from Ben Franklin, "A wise man learns from the mistakes of others, a fool from him own." Both of you are in grad school, I hope you are not in medicine, law, or nuclear.

Is boyfriend treating me badly, or am I being too sensitive?

i think you should have a talk with him before it gets worse about how selfish hes being and let him know that if he doesnt start treating you better, than he might not have you anymore.

Question about new york?

If i go to college for psychiatry in pennsylvania do you think that i have a good shot at getting a job in that field if i move to new york? And would i be able to afford the upper east side on a psychiatrist's salary? i'm not sure if i would have a roommate or not (if that matters) thanks.

Can yahoo please separate religion and spirituality into different section?

spirituality is a personal relationship with the experience of the metaphysical, while religion is a set of rules in daily life based on alleged "spirituality" experienced by those other than you, and condemns personal spirituality by branding it "heathen" and"demonic..

To ignore or reply? (new baby)?

You seem like a mature, responsible person. So just let it go. If she goes on with the rest of her crappy life thinking that you were jealous of her, who cares? You're having a fun filled, happy life while she lives off the satisfaction of other peoples misfortunes. So just don't even reply, just act like she didn't exist. You don't have to stoop to her level, just forget she ever happened and live your own life.

What is wrong with my phone? Trying to diagnose for repairs.?

There's no way of fixing the phone unless you want to pay LG to fix it. It's better you take the phone to verizon to have it recycled properly.

Am I the only one beelin' ?

That the OF game is on Easter Sunday. I am booked into a city centre hotel for a fun romantic getaway and now it looks like it will be ruined by the heathen hordes causing mayhem after another greyskulls gubbing ? What happened to all the nonsense about not giving them too much drinking time etc ? They hold it on a holiday weekend !!! Pure Mental. Typical bull from the SFA.

Can an apartment complex search your apartment if they think they smell marijuana smoke?

I had maintenance come in and fix the a/c and they went to check the vent in my roommates bathroom and she occasionally smokes in there so the vents suck up all the smoke. If he smelled it could it cause a problem?

What is the name of your heathen atheist god?

i just want to know so i can pray for him at night when i pray for the rest of the sinners. just like i pray that god will forgive allah and buddha and capricorn and the dalai lama

Is this mountain bike any good mountain bike?

You do realize it's only a 14" frame I trust? That's made for a very short person - around 5'2" tall at the most. Being over here in the states - I never heard of the company. It does have a Shimano 8 speed cassette & Double wall Alloy 32 hole rims - which is good. But again...I never heard of the brand.

Ncl epic versus royal caribbean cruises?

I havent been on the Epic, but i haved cruised with NCL 3 times. I have also cruised with Princess once. NCL is freestyle cruising which means you can dine at what ever time you feel like. NCL has very good food, it is just like every other cruise, and amazing entertainment. I have heard the epic has a waterpark, ice bar, and many other cool features. The EPIC would be a very epic vacation. You can also see the deck plans and reviews at and i hope you have a great cruising experience with whatever cruise you pick :)

Why do Catholics always say the same prayers if Jesus said not to?

You clearly aren't noticing that the word "vain" is in there. Catholic prayers can be repetitious, but they are not vain repetition. There's a big difference there.

Fellow Christians: What exactly are heathens like, to us? How do we treat/interact with heathens?

I'd just like to say that im an atheist, and if you dared try preaching the bible to me trying to 'save' me i would punch you in the baby...or the nuts if your a man

Epic Old Testament films?

TNT did a couple of Biblical mini-series that were VERY good. Moses, Joseph, Abraham, are the ones that I can think of.

How do you split rent between a married couple and another roommate?

Get the overall price, and divide it by 3. Everyone should be able to use every bit of space they want, or just chuck him out. Why do you live with your friend as well as your spouse anyway? :S

How can I tactfully tell my roommates to start being more responsible?

I would use the ants as my starting point. "Hey guys, the landlord's going to freak out if he sees those ants. I think we really have to get back to that old routine of cleaning up every day. Who wants to draw up a rota?"

My landlord gave me a notice to vacate, then conditionally changed her mind. Should I stay?

So about a month ago I noticed some spots growing on my carpet, and I complained to my landlord because it freaked me out. She got pissed but fixed it. In the meantime my lease was expiring and my roommate was moving out. My roommate is a slob. My landlord made a bunch of comments about how dirty the place was and then handed me a notice to vacate. So I thought it was that she thought it was because we are dirty. Well she's just pissed about the carpet. I would like to add that she is bitching at me constantly over minor things. She has spend about an hour a day for a week bitching about the most random things, until she gave the notice to vacate. My boyfriend wanted me to ask her to reconsider. I didn't want to but I broke down after he nagged me for 2 weeks. She called me today, and after bitching at me for over an hour and a half, she said she would think about it and call me back next week. But, if she did allow me to stay it would be month to month so that she could give me another notice to vacate and I needed to understand that was the only way she would let me stay. She says she will get back to me next week. But, I need to keep looking other places. Now, my boyfriend is mad because I asked him to miss work to help me find places to live. We live together. He just keeps saying he wants to stay here. But, I want security that I wont get evicted. Should I plan on staying when I really only have 30days?

Harold Camping, I am very disappointed.?

I live in Tennessee, the heart of the bible belt, and expected to see many of my God fearing neighbors spirited off to their eternal reward. I had planned on standing in front of a local liquor store in hopes that the owner was a good Christian and would be "raptured" straight out of his store. Then I was going to join in the looting and try to get a few dozen bottles of a good 23 year old single malt scotch, a staple of we heathen, fornicating, booze swilling nonbelievers. Ah well, maybe next time.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Credit card. good or bad idea?

me and my boyfriend are currently living with a helpfull friend due to poor roommates that we had before. would it be a bad idea to get a credit card with 1,000 limit and use it towards our own apartment and furniture? we are members of a credit union. would it be a bad idea? my boyfriend also get $99,000.00 when he turns 25 due to things that has happen to him during his childhood. so if we couldn't pay it would we be able to wait till he turns 25 in 3 years? what are the pros and cons? is it a good idea? i understand that well have to pay back more then what we used but we would rather have to pay more and have our own home then to share a home with others.

Does he like me or am i just fooling myself?

Soo i hooked up with this guy last week we had fun and he texted me later that night about how he had fun, then the next day he invited me over on thursday to party with him and his friends....thursday rolls around he's being nice and cracking jokes with my roomies he remembers things i told him on tuesday...later that night we hooked up again and i spent the night. That morning i woke up early cause my roommates came and picked me up because they had a bad night...he didnt text me after but i texted him on sunday and we conversed for the day but then nothing and today i texted him but it was short...i should probably forget about him shouldnt i...:/

How do i fix a gas gauge that goes empty on the halfway mark for a 1999 Plymoth grand voyager?

if the tank is truly empty when the gauge reads a half a tank, then the sensor in the tank is the issue more than likely OR you have a short to limited power. if it goes to a half a tank then sits there for a long time, id look into that but if it goes to the half way mark then dies shortly after, the sensor is the problem.